Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Let the numbers do the talking

So as you probably know there has been a huge social movement hemorrhaging in NYC; Occupy Wall Street. The media coverage of this event seems to have been screened to us over here on the west coast as if to keep it under wraps, but at this point if havent heard of it you must live under a rock. Whether you support the movement, or think that it  is a total crock of sh*t created by people who should go out and get jobs to support themselves you have to agree if anything there have been some interesting things to come out of this (whatever this really is)

My favorite thus far is 
US Disparity of wealth

These numeric based infographics are Stamped onto dollar bills and put back into circulation.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

"What? Did you hear this?.... let me verify. Yep its on Gizmodo too. Apple just announced Steve Jobs died." that's how I heard from my roommate that a legend was dead. Facebook started to have copious posts of RIP Steve and twitter was all a flutter (and still is) mourning the loss of this technological maverick. A true puddle jumper.

Rest in peace Steve Jobs the world of innovation will sorely miss you. Today Apple announced the passing of a legend, changing their home screen to the above shot linked to this simple and true remembrance.

Apple has also set up an email where people can share their thoughts; Send your thoughts and remembrance

Steve has always stood for; moving forward, creative innovation and striving to make the world better, you can see this through his whole career.(This video is pretty rad.) From this thinking Apple has become a part of who people define themselves to be; are you a PC or a Mac? I know who my Macbook-Pro-iPhone-toting self claims to be. Mac all the way. (And yes this post is intentionally in Helvetica.) 

When a brand/CEO becomes a part of who you are they become a friend, creating a lifetime relationship that is passed down through families. I know my 4yr old nephew knows his way around a mac laptop, iPhone and iPad better than Grandma and she owns them. The technology he pioneered has seamlessly integrated it's self into our world. We may not have known we needed it, but now we have no idea how to live without it. This connection is even stronger in the creative world, Apple has always been a forerunner in pioneering creative friendly technology valuing design equally to utility in their own products, carrying through to their advertising.

The advertising industry has always had a deep connection to Steve and Apple utilizing thier products to create award winning work and practicing the same innovative mantra Jobs himself lived by. Back on September 12th the Butchershop Creative here in SF showed their love and appreciation by creating this open thank you card where any one can upload a picture and write a note thanking Steve for his amazing contributions. More then ever I think people are going to need an outlet to share their love for a man that has inspired a generations, I hope that everyone takes a chance to use this great tool or the email to thank the man that changed their world, especially here in the Bay Area.

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.”
-Steve Jobs

[The Wall Street Journal, May 25, 1993]
Steve, you have moved mountains and fundamentally changed how we interact with our world. I know I'd be lost with out what you have done. Thank you, RIP.

SF, the heart of the bay area held an iPhone vigil in Delores park Oct 5th 2011 to honor the man that many of us San Franciscans carry around in our pocket every day. 

Photo from Warholian

Read more:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Splish Splash. Curiosity. part 1

Hi! (insert big smile and little wave)
Welcome to Puddle jumping and splashing around in the bits and pieces of the world that catch my attention.
I thought I'd start this blog with a bit about why I decided to create Puddle Jumping, it seemed only natural. Why is that pray tell is that? Curiosity, and the little kid inside (yes the same one that likes to jump in puddles) who asks "but why?" Puddle Jumping is the long stick that you use to prod the unknown until you can figure out what exactly it is you're looking at and why it has come across your path.

Curiosity is amazing. Plain and simple it is the fodder for innovation (I guess that makes us all livestock) We've all probably seen this before:

Now aside from the fact that you are probably thinking oh god, she's breaking out the marketing 101 hand book, run for the hills did you ever stop to think that this is also directly correlated to how curious a person is?

Innovators: Live and breathe curiosity. How on earth do you think that they know about everything before you and I. Not only that, they are the ones that are figuring out how everything works, tearing it apart and putting it back together, better. They are pretty much bad ass all around, like my friend David who works for Zynga (the Farmville people) I'm pretty sure he may take over the world one day. 

Early adopters: (this is where I see myself) and a lot of people in planning. Eager beavers, handing out the Google + invites before people even knew what it was or why they wanted an invite. (regardless of the fact that the honey moon phase is now over)

You see my point?
Being curious is what fuels those of us who innovate and make the world a better place!

Part 2 coming soon!